Monday, May 31, 2010

Karma who?

I definitely love it when wrongs done in the past are righted and especially when you didn't even struggle for it. it cracks me up how actions tend to loop within time. something you did some time ago and the consequences of it just rears its ugly head or pretty one, making you face up to it.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Unhappy anniversary

No wonder I'm in such a foul mood. It's been 5 years since my virgin heart was crushed by the realities of life. I was the saddest little thing in a 500 km radius with not a single happy thought about anything. Rock bottom was my bed to lay on as humiliation was my cushy pillow.
I had loved and loved and loved. Later on, I forgot what it means or feels to love.
So, unhappy anniversary darling! You've lived through the dark ages!


No such word like caution in my vocab with you.
I find myself gravitating towards you like a moth to a flame.
I know il burn but it's so bright, so warm, so inviting...
No safety net here, just a looney on the sky diving team jumping with no chute
Against my better judgement, i'm enjoying the ride and letting the rest take care of itself knowing full well that it'll be me who'll have to pick up the pieces once my ride to earth comes to a thud.

Intense hate or love

Is it possible to hate you? Is it possible to hate you so much because I love you so much??
The feeling of being weak in the knees coz of feeling you next to me is sickening and a drug to me.
Is it pure hate or immense love?

As I wait...

time decided to stand still for me.
It waited for me to fall in love with me again.
It saw to it that i felt again and that I could hurt again.
Only then could time let me move on, move forward.
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