Saturday, August 27, 2011

New year resolution

The beginning of a new year, the start of ideas that only fit in 2010. I need to work on my weaknesses which were quite evident last year. I thought i stood for what i believed for and wanted out of life but sadly, i seemed busy worrying about offending others. This has hindered me from achieving lots of things. Jed was instrumental in highlighting this and for his sake and mine, i will work on it this year.
My relationship with my family is always peculiar, on the surface... wonderful but deep down we are strangers who share a name, bloodline and history. The key question i have now is, how do i become a friend to a parent who was nothing more than a parent for all my life? with all their control issues that i am slowly becoming weary of, i don't know how to meet my mother's expectation. how do you become a friend to someone who antagonizes you constantly?
A challenge i give myself, how can i use the knowledge i have gain thus far to help the youth face their demons?

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